I am now a Benchmarked Skater. What that means is that I have passed a series of skill tests which assess whether I posses enough knowledge and control to not be a danger to myself and mostly to others. It also means I am now allowed to attend league practises along with all team practises if I wish.
Before attending my first league practise I said (after freshly benchmarking) that "I would really test myself and attend all practises in hopes of having a better chance of playing a game in the near future." HA. I retracted that statement. I am NOT ready to attend any team practises and surely not a bout, I am a DANGER!!! To myself, to others I grab peoples clothes, in the pack I can not stop in any less then 1/4 of the track length leading to stopping via. buster butt in the face, I am admittedly very elbows. I need practise lots of it!!
Like an elbow to the nose I am shocked into the facts that I am not ready for much. I need work, work on everything. I feel slightly un prepared for my new position as rookie. Now don't get me wrong I have learned lots in my days as fresh meat and the people who have helped me get this far I am truly grateful for but the fact of the matter is I still have lots to learn and the people that I thought I would now skate beside will still be skating in front or behind me yelling at me correcting my freshly learned skills.
I am a Rookie and that's Okay as long as I'm still something. I do miss having someone sign my attendance.
haha! I'm practicing my blocking with the head ref signals just for you :)