Saturday, 4 February 2012

For All The Sparkle

Sometimes things seem to lose their sparkle. Then you start hitting and realise that the sparkle wasn't gone it had just settled, there all along just waiting to be stirred up by a little smashy smashy.

I haven't been keeping with this blog for a multitude of reasons but the ones related to derby are the fact that I had gotten a bit lost forgotten maybe what first brought me in the doors of the roller dome I couldn't remember why I wanted to skate in circles knee dropping and T-stopping 3 different ways in hope of satisfying the coaches concerns of me doing it correctly in order to benchmark. Why did I want to push my body and brain to do these things?

And then it happened Hitting! And mini Jamming! And practise Scrimmaging! Like a swift skate to the face the glitter of it all came back I WANT TO HIT PEOPLE WHO WANT TO HIT ME and then SMILE.

So I'm back , and like Ginger told me Zero to Fabulous at the speed of Glitter

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