Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The Start

After going thru copious amounts of information brain numbIng info on wheel deromiter boot type , pad protection, rules and hundreds of youtube videos. Finally it came my first Fresh Meat School of Derby session.

It is large class which I find slightly intimidating, strange how I have changed from days of thriving off the excitement of meeting new people, new chanlenges. I quietly listened to the instructors keeping to myself as time went by I started to grow more comfortable with myself and my skates even making a joke. I realized I am ready for this to challenge myself both metally and physically, to be a part of a team a sister hood a life style. Years I have waited for this day the right time when the kids were old enough when I finally didn't feel It selfish to do sOmething just for me. Where I can be me nOt mom nor wife or Aysha a place I could make my own identity. Thus Bitter Glitter is born.

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